A.I. SidekickTM Agents
Sidekicks are personalized AI assistants for each employee (the “handler”).
A Sidekick is automatically assigned to each new employee when they are onboarded.
Employees can then delegate work to their Sidekicks the same as they would to a human team member. And Sidekicks report back to their handler with progress updates the same as a human would report in.
The Sidekick shadows their human handler on every task. As data accumulates, a roadmap for skill transfer occurs, allowing the Sidekick to perform a growing list of duties until they can significantly augment their human counterpart.
In the world of a Sidekick, learning new skills means learning how to perform small, granular tasks. Need it to launch a new server in the cloud? No problem! Need it to modify a page of your website? That too! According to McKinsey, over 65% of all work can now be automated. Some of that will be easy to automate. Some are more difficult. We will work with you to find the ‘easy’.
Sidekicks can control third-party agents (or even robots!) anywhere in the world. You can build your own agents, or utilize any of the the growing number of agent libraries to extend the skills of the Sidekick. But they come office-ready, meaning they begin their journey with the skills of an average intern. They can perform general office work using documents, including creating and organizing production files and communicating with other team members just like a human intern.
The personality and avatar of the Sidekick is customizable by the human handler.
Sidekick Engine: A Multi-Agent Framework
Under the hood, Sidekicks are sophisticated, multi-agent systems.
The human team communicates with a Sidekick as though it were a single entity, however, behind the scenes, the Sidekick may communicate with other agents to trigger a multitude of algorithmic or programmatic systems and generate work. All of this communication and delegation takes place invisibly, allowing the human team to ‘speak’ only to the primary Sidekick.
BYOA – Bring your own agent!
If you already have agents or automations of any kind, or data, they can be integrated with your Sidekicks. You’ll then get all the benefits of usage visibility, costs, ROI, team collaboration and direct integration into complex workflows.